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L’apocalipsi segons Noé, el manetes del barri

  Quan al veïnat van començar a aparèixer rumors que la gent s’havia tornat encara més estúpida de l’habitual, vaig pensar: “Res nou”. Però un dia, mentre feia cua al supermercat per comprar cafè i cinta americana, vaig rebre una trucada inesperada. "Hola, Noé? Escolta, la cosa està molt xunga. Hem de parlar." Així va començar el meu malson... i la construcció de l’arca més cutre que mai heu vist. Va resultar que la terra estava "corrompuda i plena de violència". Vaja, com qualsevol dilluns al metro. Però aquesta vegada era més greu. Em van dir que havia de salvar el món construint una mena de nau espacial... però flotant. Una arca, em deien. Vaig pensar que era una broma, però no. Era jo, una serra i una pila de fusta resinosa. Les instruccions eren clares, però inhumanes. "Cento quaranta metres de llarg, vint-i-tres d’ample i catorze d’alt. I tres pisos, eh? Que no falti espai." Vaig fer càlculs ràpids i vaig entendre que necessitava més cinta americana....

How I Got Hypnotized by a Kaleidoscope of Circles – And Why You Need It Too

Look, I’m no art critic, but when I saw this pattern of concentric circles in shades of red, green, and cream, I felt like I was being invited into some sort of geometric cult. It’s not just a picture – it’s a trance disguised as abstract art. You know that scene in every spy movie where someone gets brainwashed by staring at a rotating spiral? That’s exactly how this image grabbed me, except instead of turning me into a secret agent, it made me feel like I should buy some trendy Scandinavian furniture and rethink my life choices.

This design has it all: circles inside circles, triangles breaking through like they’ve got something to prove, and those slanted diagonal lines cutting through the chaos like they’re trying to restore order. It’s basically a roadmap to every existential crisis I’ve ever had, neatly packaged in a dizzying visual spectacle. And trust me, once you start staring, you won’t stop. You might think, “Pfft, it’s just circles,” but then it happens. Slowly, you start seeing meaning in the madness, and before you know it, you're on Etsy searching for this pattern as wallpaper.

I know what you're thinking, "Do I really need this?" But let me tell you, yes, you do. Why? Because your life is too basic without it. Your walls are sad. They’ve seen better days, haven’t they? That plain, dull background you've been living with? It's suffocating your creativity. You need this kaleidoscopic chaos in your life to keep your brain cells alive, to remind you that art can be fun, weird, and maybe a little bit dangerous.

So, if you’re ready to escape the monotony of basic interior design and inject some visual excitement into your space, this is it. Just don't blame me when your guests fall into a hypnotic stupor staring at your new décor. You’ve been warned.



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