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L’apocalipsi segons Noé, el manetes del barri

  Quan al veïnat van començar a aparèixer rumors que la gent s’havia tornat encara més estúpida de l’habitual, vaig pensar: “Res nou”. Però un dia, mentre feia cua al supermercat per comprar cafè i cinta americana, vaig rebre una trucada inesperada. "Hola, Noé? Escolta, la cosa està molt xunga. Hem de parlar." Així va començar el meu malson... i la construcció de l’arca més cutre que mai heu vist. Va resultar que la terra estava "corrompuda i plena de violència". Vaja, com qualsevol dilluns al metro. Però aquesta vegada era més greu. Em van dir que havia de salvar el món construint una mena de nau espacial... però flotant. Una arca, em deien. Vaig pensar que era una broma, però no. Era jo, una serra i una pila de fusta resinosa. Les instruccions eren clares, però inhumanes. "Cento quaranta metres de llarg, vint-i-tres d’ample i catorze d’alt. I tres pisos, eh? Que no falti espai." Vaig fer càlculs ràpids i vaig entendre que necessitava més cinta americana....

When Aliens Channel Marie Antoinette: The Future of Galactic Fashion?

I never thought I’d live to see the day where extraterrestrials would make their own appearance at Paris Fashion Week, but alas, here we are. Meet her highness, the Intergalactic Queen of all Things Couture. Not only does she have a face only a mother (or perhaps a galaxy far, far away) could love, but she also sports a hairstyle that would make Marie Antoinette roll over in her powdered wig. I mean, sure, big eyes are trendy, but these? These are the kind of "take me to your leader" eyes that demand attention—and perhaps a nice crown, too.

Let’s break this down, people. The curls are meticulously arranged in an updo that screams both, "Let them eat cake!" and "Let them eat stars!" simultaneously. And that crown? Oh, darling, it’s no cheap tiara from the clearance rack—this is interstellar royalty, after all. But let's be real, this isn't just a bold look for aliens; it's a wake-up call to us mere humans. Do you want to fall behind in your next Zoom meeting with that sad, overdone messy bun? Thought so.

We all need a little alien regality in our lives. Because if this otherworldly monarch can balance galactic diplomacy and a voluminous, Rococo-inspired hairstyle, what’s your excuse for not stepping up your game? The future of fashion isn’t just earthly anymore, it's cosmic, darling. Time to start thinking like you're about to host an alien tea party on Jupiter. So, why not prepare for your next high-stakes meeting or family gathering with the gravitas and grace of a 17th-century queen—who just so happens to be from Alpha Centauri?

Trust me, you need this level of sophistication in your life. Otherwise, you’re just another Earthling stuck in 2024, while she’s over here bringing 3024 vibes.


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