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L’apocalipsi segons Noé, el manetes del barri

  Quan al veïnat van començar a aparèixer rumors que la gent s’havia tornat encara més estúpida de l’habitual, vaig pensar: “Res nou”. Però un dia, mentre feia cua al supermercat per comprar cafè i cinta americana, vaig rebre una trucada inesperada. "Hola, Noé? Escolta, la cosa està molt xunga. Hem de parlar." Així va començar el meu malson... i la construcció de l’arca més cutre que mai heu vist. Va resultar que la terra estava "corrompuda i plena de violència". Vaja, com qualsevol dilluns al metro. Però aquesta vegada era més greu. Em van dir que havia de salvar el món construint una mena de nau espacial... però flotant. Una arca, em deien. Vaig pensar que era una broma, però no. Era jo, una serra i una pila de fusta resinosa. Les instruccions eren clares, però inhumanes. "Cento quaranta metres de llarg, vint-i-tres d’ample i catorze d’alt. I tres pisos, eh? Que no falti espai." Vaig fer càlculs ràpids i vaig entendre que necessitava més cinta americana....

Why the Moon is Apparently Turning Into a Cosmic Disco Ball (And Why You Should Care)

Look, I know what you’re thinking: “Oh great, another ‘the sky is falling’ blog post. But have you actually seen the moon lately? It’s like someone handed it over to an overeager pyromaniac with a cosmic blowtorch. Yeah, that picture you see up there? That's real. Okay, maybe not 'real real,' but it's close enough to make you wonder what the heck is going on in space these days.

I can’t be the only one who’s noticed our good old moon looking like it just lost a bar fight with a bunch of fiery asteroids, right? Like, wasn’t the moon’s whole thing supposed to be being tranquil? Now it looks like it’s about to star in its own post-apocalyptic movie. So, let’s get straight to the point: You need to be worried. Not because the moon is falling apart (probably), but because everyone is going to be talking about it soon. Don’t you want to be in the know before it becomes a trending hashtag?

But seriously, imagine you’re on a nice evening stroll. You look up, expecting to see your friendly, reliable moon, and BAM! There it is, in all its crispy, Swiss-cheese glory, looking like it’s halfway through an alien invasion or a Michael Bay explosion reel. Suddenly, all your casual stargazing plans are ruined, and you’re frantically googling “Is the moon on fire?” (Spoiler: it’s not. Yet).

You need to stay ahead of this. Forget boring stuff like global warming or the ozone layer. The moon’s transformation from a romantic nightlight to a flaming celestial spectacle is the real thing you should be talking about at the next dinner party. Trust me, when it comes to space gossip, this is the hot topic — literally.



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