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L’apocalipsi segons Noé, el manetes del barri

  Quan al veïnat van començar a aparèixer rumors que la gent s’havia tornat encara més estúpida de l’habitual, vaig pensar: “Res nou”. Però un dia, mentre feia cua al supermercat per comprar cafè i cinta americana, vaig rebre una trucada inesperada. "Hola, Noé? Escolta, la cosa està molt xunga. Hem de parlar." Així va començar el meu malson... i la construcció de l’arca més cutre que mai heu vist. Va resultar que la terra estava "corrompuda i plena de violència". Vaja, com qualsevol dilluns al metro. Però aquesta vegada era més greu. Em van dir que havia de salvar el món construint una mena de nau espacial... però flotant. Una arca, em deien. Vaig pensar que era una broma, però no. Era jo, una serra i una pila de fusta resinosa. Les instruccions eren clares, però inhumanes. "Cento quaranta metres de llarg, vint-i-tres d’ample i catorze d’alt. I tres pisos, eh? Que no falti espai." Vaig fer càlculs ràpids i vaig entendre que necessitava més cinta americana....

Why You’re Not as Glamorous as This Newspaper-Reading Goddess (And How to Fix That)

So, you stumbled upon this image and thought, "Wow, where did my life go wrong?" Same, friend, same. Look at her—poised, perfect hair with that effortless retro wave, holding a newspaper like she's about to deliver the news and snatch your soul with a single glance. I mean, who reads physical newspapers anymore? Exactly. She's not just catching up on the world's chaos; she's probably reading a story about herself while looking fabulous. Iconic, right?

Now, before you drown in envy, let me ask you: When was the last time you felt even remotely as put-together as this queen? Exactly. That’s what I thought. Meanwhile, here you are in sweatpants from who-knows-when, scrolling mindlessly through your phone, not even sure what day it is. Don’t worry, I’m not judging (okay, maybe a little). But seriously, it’s time for a glow-up.

Let’s face it, she didn’t just wake up like this. There's a method behind that “effortless” beauty—hair that screams "I’ve got this," a dress that hugs in all the right places, and an attitude that says she knows exactly how good she looks. But guess what? You can totally have that too. You just need a game plan—something to help you channel your inner vintage diva and leave the world (and possibly your mirror) speechless.

And yes, I get it. Life is busy. But if she can carve out time to look this flawless while keeping up with the news, you can too. Don’t just sit there; take control! Step up your game, because let’s be real: Life is too short to not look and feel this good. Get your glam on—whether it's perfecting your winged liner, getting those curls just right, or finally finding a dress that doesn’t make you feel like a walking potato sack.

The world deserves your best self. Heck, you deserve your best self. And remember, if she can master that look, you can too. It's time to stop scrolling and start glowing.



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